About Friend In Deed
Open hearts and open wallets can go a long way toward brightening an otherwise uncertain time at the holidays. That’s been illustrated for decades in central Illinois, where area residents have generously supported Friend-in-Deed, the holiday help program of The State Journal-Register.
The not-for-profit charity began modestly enough. In 1960, Friend-in-Deed helped 99 needy families at Christmas. Price tag: $2,500. The program now stands as a signature community event for The State Journal-Register. Every penny that is donated goes directly for purchase of food, clothing and toys. The State Journal-Register covers all administrative costs.
Happily, central Illinoisans open not only their hearts and wallets, but also their hands: Friend-in-Deed enjoys tremendous volunteer labor. Quite simply, the program could not be done without it. In all, about 500 community residents contribute their time to Friend-in-Deed, doing everything from processing application forms, helping organize and fill orders for food, to actually delivering the orders just before Christmas.
The program kicks off late in October when the application form appears in The State Journal-Register (and posted on www.sj-r.com). Applications are filled on a first-come, first-served basis until the target number of households is met.

Friend-in-Deed’s receipt of the applications puts into motion a series of steps. FID, volunteers review the applications and cross check them with other holiday help programs to avoid any duplications and thus ensure the maximum number of people receive assistance. An extensive database is developed, with specific information about each applicant/household.
Of course, attention goes to collecting donations as well. About a week after the program’s annual unveiling in The State Journal-Register, another form is published and posted on sj-r.com, one to accompany contributions to Friend-in-Deed. Throughout the holiday season the feature stories appear about FID recipients or volunteers, along with a contribution form. Every donation is listed in the newspaper unless otherwise requested. Donors – who can ask that their names be printed or not — often make their contributions in memory or honor of a loved one, or in lieu of holiday cards.
Generally just a day or two before Christmas, the Friend-in-Deed is delivery day.
Certainly The State Journal-Register has been grateful for the opportunity to serve those in need, and very appreciative of the assistance and financial support from the community that make it possible to hold the annual effort.