Friend-in-Deed is accepting donations to help feed Springfield area residents most in need
Free packages of holiday food will be available for pick up soon in Springfield thanks to the charity Friend-in-Deed. The volunteer organization will distribute packages in a drive-through fashion on December 7 at the Boys and Girls Club of Central Illinois, 300 S. 15th St., and on December 23 at Eastview Baptist Churc...
Nov 08, 2022

A.M. Springfield's Sam Madonia sits down with Pat Phelan to discuss the future of Friends In Deed
As the annual holiday charity drive moves under the Neuhoff Media Springfield umbrella, Pat Phelan outlines its purpose and plans for Friends In Deed with Sam Modonia and crew during A.M. Springfield.
Nov 07, 2022

New Country Mornings with John & Leah Talk to Friends-In-Deed
Neuhoff Media Springfield's New Country Morning's on WFMB-FM, John and Leah, talk with Pat Phalan and Terry Lucas from Friends In Deed about this years campaign, it is a Central Illinois staple since 1960 that helps benefit those in need during the holiday season.
Nov 07, 2022